Mohshun Magellan


I am whatever the opposite of an escape artist is

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." - Matthew 6:33 (KJV) 🫶🏾

If I could find a way a structure operas into a Draft Kings format for singers, I swear I would do it. It's fun matching voices to composers and the dynamics of different theaters/houses.

I promised myself that I would revert to using IG like I did pre 2019 and this little photo dump was cute! 😌

Good morning I have the safe zone app to follow up with growth of Detroit

If you had an appointment this entire time then why would I need to waste my gas

This little sprinkle of sun we’ve got is teasing me.
I can’t wait to open my door to a fully beaming sun and start shouting “SUNS OUT GET YER TITS OUT!!!” 😂😂😂

I’m ready right now 👀

We have to get a block going sometime soon.

Always remember your strength lies within you and we can do nothing of ourselves but my the highest power and being who is spiritual I’m speaking about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

I was one of the recipient of one of the many scholarship about 14 years ago stay bless

I’ve given up. I barely do the bare minimum at work. This is usually around the time I’d start looking for a new role because de I’m no longer challenged but so much is happening latter part of this year that everything is on pause. Annoying! 😩

random cravings -

but I want pakoras w/mint chilli sauce and a chocolate peanut butter banana bread.

Summer is right around the corner. Don’t ask me if I want sum’n sweet to eat ‘cause ima say yes.

Came to coffee bean at the traffic circle. They played a song that had nigga being said and this white lady just looked at me. Ma’am go away.