One of my favorite mantras (of sorts) is "Those who are connected to me are blessed. You are blessed directly from God and through my overflow of energy and resources when I can. (today, I can) So....

Drop your cashapp below and i am going to pick 5 people to send a lil something. I will do the drawing on Monday and I am only posting this here!

ALL black people should be exercising their right to vote. At one point we were denied thr right to do so. Don't turn your back on our king's and queens who fought and died for us to be able to. REGISTER TO VOTE!

#makechangehappen #BLM #blacklivesmatter #Vote #Vote2020 #yourvotematters #yourvoicematters #YourVoice #YourVote #yourvotecounts #Voter #StopVoterSuppression #voiceoftheunheard #Voteoftheunheard #yourvoteyourvoice

Don't trust them with your health and safety. The pandemic it's real! Take all of the precautions if you HAVE TO be out and about... watch below, how to properly social distance when out and about. !

#coronavirus #Covid19 #SocialDistancing #WashYourHands #SixFeetApart #StaySafe #SaveLives #TogetherAtHome #HealthyAtHome #pandemic #StayHome #DefenseActions #ProtectYourself

When our elders built BLACK WALL STREET and they burnt it down the BLUEPRINT didnt burn up with it. We can do it again but what we got this time around is the lessons of the past to insure that the Wolves will be met at the gate. #black Money, Black Banks, Black Loans and Black Jobs then REPEAT

Rest in Power Congressman Lewis. You've spent a lifetime fighting the good fight for a better America. As many of the rights that you fought for are being rescinded, this generation will continue to fight for equality. ????? #JohnLewis #SNCC

Minister CT Vivian was born a year before Malcolm X, and 5 years before Dr King. Malcolm, Martin and the many others murdered in the struggle may not have lived to see 2020 but it is plausible that they could have, as they had several years stolen from them. This shows what #whitesupremacy has taken from the families of the slain, us, America, and the world.