Blkem Blocks

Next week...we are looking to finalize Beta version of Blocks so that users can test and give feedback on fixes and improvements


this has been the longest short work week ever 😩😭

It's always "it's not about the intent, it's about how it made the other person feel" until a black person says "this made me feel bad" then it's "you're being sensitive," "you just don't get it."

they didn’t tell us they were checking smoke detectors at work today. had me in my office with my purse packed and ready to run 😵‍💫🥴

I hate not working on the north side any more cause I can’t pick my comics up on Wednesday when they come out.

so I hope all the mothers had a wonderful Mothers Day yesterday. spent the day with my mom, daughter and granddaughter

lord I thought I got kicked out 🫠. since I didn’t time to let my ADD run wild

any beef/tension black 🇺🇸 got with any other group, I promise you that the record shows that we didn’t start it. our enemy is the same.

black folks have only wanted one thing, to mind our black business.

das it.

let us be unserious with each other in peace.

lord if you’re going to carry on all day at work about how bad you feel, then you should have kept your ass at home. Either work and shut the hell up or go home.

Our melanin is poppin’.
Our melanin is beautiful.
Our melanin is magic.
Our melanin is the carbon copy.
Our melanin is loud music & hella laughs.
Our melanin is animated facial expressions.
Our melanin is graceful.
Our melanin catches the sun just right.
Our melanin matters.🤎✨

That bird app definitely on some b.s. of my comics friends weren’t over there I’d delete the whole thing

I keep telling myself I’m a coffee connoisseur but at some point I need to admit to myself that I have an addiction 🙃😩😩

Parting thoughts before bed: When you arrive at the place of being good enough for yourself, even if there is room for progress, external validation becomes irrelevant.

Live to impress and be proud of who you are.

what a freaking week. birthday was love but I’m glad it’s Friday.

I hope everybody is having a great Friday and congrats we made it thru another week. let y’all hair down for the weekend and enjoy cause you deserve it . God is love🧡

Walk away from anyone or anything, that doesn’t incorporate that same love, because SELF-LOVE is the BEST LOVE.
Happy Friday. 🧖🏾‍♀️💜✨🧘🏾‍♀️🙆🏾‍♀️🌼

Haven’t been wanting to go to work all week but TODAY… whew Chy… I’m contemplating whether I can afford that call out.

they just need to gone and take me out this class cause I can’t stand unorganized stuff.

Never settle. Don't settle on an income. Don't settle in a relationship (big on this one). Don't settle on your health. Don't settle with your situation. You deserve to be healthy, pampered, comfortable, inspired, and at peace in your lifetime.

me too Chy

Ready to make some major financial changes bc this ain’t it.

For your own sanity, you have to accept every situation & move on.
Happy Tuesday. 🧡🏵️👏🏾

Nah. Had my ADD all the way turned up. Couldn’t focus on anything.

did yall have a great Monday?

especially after the time change

feel like today was only 1 hour long. went by way too fast for me 🫤

Nah I haven’t watched any award shows in years

y’all still watch the Oscar’s?

Too many people wanting me to be a part of too many things.