Miss Polk-Paris


Happy to be Black and welcoming all aspects of the diaspora.


i’ll work for free till y’all say shid we can start paying ppl now . i don’t mind at all. i have two great jobs already so this wouldn’t hurt me at all. i’m committed to making this app great.

ok ok, this a dope app for us!!! I hope we stick it out here and help them grow!!


So wayment!! The only reason the app was glitchy is because we were signing up yesterday and the reason its actually working rn is bc they paused new users? BABY WE WAS THE ROACHES


As you all may have already known, Jackson, Mississippi is currently facing a water crisis, whether it's deliberate or unintentional. The majority of the folks down there look like us...they are us.

Time after time, our community is faced with these challenges and in this day and age, we should be able to assist.

One way is by donating to a Black Owned Water Company who is actually out there delivering cases and cases of water!!



#blkem #blkemstrong #WeAllWeGot

I check this app every so often just to see the progression and I must say.. im impressed every time! great work to the people over at @Blkem

The promotion AND the fact that a white man tried to trademark Juneteenth have both been canceled.

Support https://www.socreamaliciou... instead.


We hope everyone is doing well and we thank those who continue to make the effort, to engage on the timeline, knowing that we are still building the foundation to where Blkem will "evolve" from

Even with low activity on the timeline, Blkem is on the way to "differentiate" from the rest, which will put more eyes on us. Something, that has NEVER been done before, even amongst the other Black Owned Networks out there.

Blkem's model will be shifting to an Ecosystemic approach, moving forward.

The idea is still in its primitive stage...

#blkem #blkemecosystem

Legal doe's not mean correct! Since THEY make the law, THEY decide what is legal.

**4 sides**

We have been conducting ongoing updates on the platform. Some elements may work intermittently. Some of our users have requested a few features in which we will be working on. Some features are easier to implement than others so please bear with us.

The mobile app and stablization of this platform are priorities. Some features may be feasible in between priorities.

A sneak peak of a few additions coming soon, if no issues arise.

Oh and no "Live" functionality yet but you can create short video clips with "blkem dash".

**8 slides**

Black people are powerful, even after years of trauma from people who hate us just because of our skin.

Yet, we thrive and continue to push on that barrier of white supremacy. One thing we have to realize, is that we have been pushing on a barrier that was created decades, centuries ago.

That barrier have been redefined and it's integrated into the very systems that we utilize. So, we have to change our tactics, we have to change the way we push back, while still incorporating some of our old methods. Adapt and overcome.


The New Era Nation is all about accountability and organizing within under-resourced communities. The Blackprint has been written and its up to us to engage our peoples. All we got is us... #blackpower #Community #neweranation

Even as the archer loves the arrow that flies, so too he loves the bow that remains constant in his hands. β€” Nigerian proverb

I will help anyone start their Health and Fitness journey. It is my calling on this Earth to be a healer in any way I can. If you are seeking or if you know anyone seeking to develop their vessel and build healthy habits, send me a message or email me at [email protected] -Blessings

In response Mud Roots to his Publication

Sickening! But..we can't just sit here and complain. We have to start making moves, if we haven't. Start supporting Black Owned Businesses. Start working in your communities. Start supporting movments that's similar to your cause.

What we fail to realize is that other cultures and communities are practicing these techniques WITHOUT inclusion.?
They have perfected it but still, without inclusion. ?
We have laid out examples in a few of our previous post. ?
They've been practicing GROUP economics, working with their own, hiring ONLY their own (certain communities) and for the most part, spending between their own.?
It's not a crime to learn from others and take that knowledge back to build your own communities.?

#blkem #blacklove

"This is why, when we move like this with our Brother's and Sisters, we should have NO regrets. We should feel NO guilt because when they do it, it's considered NORMAL. We should be UNCOMPROMISING.

I can't stress economics and ownership enough. Working towards building and advancing our communities so when the system comes for our own, we can stand on our own feet and push back.

Money Talks!"


1. Mobile App for iOS and Android are currently in development and should be here in November, if everything goes well.

2. This month, we will be adding ads/affiliate system and a few other developments. If you want to earn a bit extra by inviting people, then the affiliate program is for you.

3. BLKEM brand is being developed. Will be pushing that out soon.

4. We are working on a verification system that will be able to vet users. This helps to confirm that users are nothing else but Black.

#blkemmobileapp #blkembrand