youngroyalty580 Test


Filmmaker | Blerd | 1/3 of Cozy Chat Podcast | NYC

Inflating rent and cost of living with making sure minimum wages match that trend is selfishly evil.

Seen the #StarWarsOutlaws trailer. It looks fine. Gaming industry is in shambles so I’m cautiously hopeful for this game.

Happy Friday y’all. Hope you go into the weekend with some good news today


I honestly have no problem with what J Cole did. I mean how many rappers have we lost in the history of Hip Hop over words on a instrumental? The answer is too many.

What’s wrong with a brother taking the high road? 🤷🏾‍♂️

Anyone in the NYC/NJ area looking for new photo going into 2024, 50% Off for the next two weeks.

It’s okay to think you’re too good for certain shit because sometimes YOU ARE and that’s okay. 😇💛🫡

Watching all the Saw films, and this is definitely one of the top horror franchises imo

Any gamers? What’s your Game of the Year so far? It might be between Tears of the Kingdom and Starfield for me

Idk, but something about when and elder Black Woman flirsts with you on the job. Not like in a serious way, just kinda casually joking and friendly. Just feels nice.

I hope y’all had a great day today. The weather was nice and beautiful today

I’m feeling too sad and introspective tonight. Try not to spill down a thread of depressing messages.

Finally saw The Flash since it’s on HBOMax. It’s a good film. Has its issues, but it’s alright. Just wish Ezra Miller wasn’t such a menace to society, and Batgirl wasn’t sacrificed for this film. Maybe then it wouldn’t have flopped so hard.

My business has a fitness room (more like a closet tbh) but it’s a good start if I focus and make the most of it.

Between burnout, anxiety, and depression, I’ve fallen off so hard from when I used to go to the gym regularly. I really do want to make it a part of my new routine moving forward.

I need to start working out. Both for my health, and so I can juggle my lady around as much as she sees fit

It’s been a very stressful last seven days, but I continuously affirm that all that is meant for me will be mine. From relationships to business, I accept that which will push me forward.


Can’t blurt media or gifs, and notification page not notifying

Just reposting to watch later

Came across this story on my rabbit hole run.
Spiritual/Religious beliefs/practices aside, the message resonates as we all have an assignment to complete in this life. Take heed to the instructions:

An 'Offering' to A Spirit That Shall Not Be Named - YouTube

I Hope You Enjoyed!An 'Offering' to A Spirit That Shall Not Be Named | Full Story Reddit User: Dull-Reveolution-1405 https://www.reddit...