Deondrae Wiggins


A wise man 🗡️

NFL draft nights always bring start this long drawn out conversation about interracial dating in the Black community.

SOME of these brothers are going to date and marry out while MOST of them will date and marry Black.

Data backs this up. 🤵🏿‍♂️👰🏿

The fact that many people drive in the rain at the same speed they do when the weather is dry, tells me that they don’t care about their lives or anyone else’s. 🤦🏾‍♂️

Sometimes I can’t tell the difference between TMZ and Worldstar with the way they cover random brawls that involve Black folks.

Now I don’t like them kids fighting at spring break events but what does that have to do with Celebrities? 🤔

If you ever get bored enough to read the comments on your Ringer app you would realize that ppl stay loosing their cats and dogs.

The be like “My Tuxedo colored PITBULL just ran away for home. If you see it contact me.”

Me: “What ran away?”

Maybe it’s the city I’m in but how come my Hospital visitors pass photo always look like a Hidden Character box on Mortal Kombat?

Dear Politicians,

If you insist on using chicken restaurants to placate to Black voters then why not go to a Black owned franchise?

Cookout and Chic-fila don’t need no more publicity. They got enough. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Students need to keep their hands off teachers and teachers need to stop trying to have sex with students.

If OJ wasn’t willing to say he did it on his death bed then that brother probably didn’t do it. 🤷🏾‍♂️

I honestly have no problem with what J Cole did. I mean how many rappers have we lost in the history of Hip Hop over words on a instrumental? The answer is too many.

What’s wrong with a brother taking the high road? 🤷🏾‍♂️

I got stop giving out 5 stars automatically to these Uber/Lyft drivers. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate you trying to get me to my destination in a timely manner but remember this isn’t the Daytona 500.

Whenever you get a chance watch this. It’s a nice 10 episodes of excellent aninmated and melanated Story lines. It’s about 15 minutes per show so you definitely can binge this whole thing in like 2 and half hours. Its on Disney + by the way.

So these celebrities all have a wild story about the time they went to one of Diddy’s parties but only want to mention it now.

My question who else out of your famous friends has a party like he’s or similar? And why are you being quiet about it? 🤔

In the year 2024 why are they still people on social media typing whole sentences in ALL CAPS?

You are yelling at us for no reason.

Me: *minding my own business*

Random man: “Ayo, welcome to the crew my G”. 🤝

Me: (Thinking to myself) “Did I just get signed to a record label?” 🤔

Carlee Russel has to pay back 17 grand … a half a year of probation .. continue counseling and a bunch of community service hours. Got it.

Some debating on wether or not she should do jail time.

Meanwhile she STILL didn’t explain why she did it. 🤦🏾

🤡 :”Bro you got a ID?”

Me: (hesitantly) “Yeess .. I do”

🤡 : You trying to make some m….

( I walk off on his a$$)

Dear cashier,

Don’t place the receipt in the same hand with my money. Either allow me to put my change up first and hand it to me afterwards or place it in the same bag with my purchases.

I might be alone on this but it bothers me deeply.

Wait so young folks today would rather urinate and poop their pants then to pause the video game and use the bathroom?

Hell I use to play the game all night long with no sleep BUT I still managed to take restroom breaks.

What is really going on?🤔

Elon Musty ruin X/Twitter and he’s trying to make up for it by allowing bigots to get paid by spewing hatred while hiding behind fake profiles.

The word woke is used for EVERYTHING that not White male, heterosexual, and conservative. You can’t convince me otherwise.

Finally watch the movie Precious for the first time (Yea I know I’m about 15 years late) and the mother in the film is the worst kinda of B**** in the whole entire world. Good lord.

You got people who would be about a foot away from a garbage can and would STILL throw their trash on the ground.

Just disrespectful and lazy for no good reason.

Normalize checking your junk/spam folder a lot more often.

Ok so what’s AT&T conspiracy theory for today because I know yall created one already. 📱🧐