Sajid Walker


Alhamdulillah for all things. Black| Muslim| Husband| 🤲🏽 📿

Wicked people man

Some Google Drive for Desktop users are missing months of files


The day just started for me and I am ready for it to be over lbs

The battle at the docks of the Montgomery yesterday is a beautiful example of unity!

Google’s medical AI chatbot is already being tested in hospitals

I haven’t even made it to work yet and I’m already ready to go.

maybe it’s time to move to Kenya seems like it might be a solid option for us

Itchy palms means I’m about to get some money, itchy ears means somebody’s talking about me, black eyed peas and greens on NYE would be my top 3

In response Ari ..... to her Publication

I was taught that people can use your hair for different types of black magic. Leaving hair behind in a brush or anything that came directly from your head was a no no in my childhood house.