Morals.Respect.Love Worldwide


Upstate NY Artist | Observer | Seeker | Morals.Respect.Love Is The Culture

If the cousins know anybody looking to record or get mixes done, in upstate NY, let me know my setup is available.

Note to self: you don't have to be perfect to start, but you do have to start to be perfect.

What's going on cousins, been MIA working and getting things together. Finally posted my newest track on my site though. Check me out!!!

"Life's blows cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed at the fire of enthusiasm."

Good morning cousins. Rise and grind 💪🏾.

"You can be greater than anything that can happen to you."

Good morning ppl. Keep pushing!!!

Question. What do u guys do when you're dating someone you know is too good for where you are in your growth at the moment? Do you back off and not put them thru the process? Or do you put it on the table and see if they're willing to go thru with u?

Man life be lifing its been a minute. What's going down in the Blkemverse today?

We’re working on some solutions to try and bring back the many folks who was all about using a Black Owned social network, to start using Blkem again. As we have mentioned before, we have over 14k users on here but many choose not be active…and it could be for various reasons but…many are still active in other social platforms that are a haven for racism and discrimination against our community.

So bear with us while we do this and in the meantime, if anyone has some solutions we can utilize to bring back the crowd, please don’t keep it to yourself and let us know.

The more people we have that are active on here can help change the tide in a lot of things…but first…we have to be supportive of a product that can be beneficial to our community.

We will be sending out a few mass emails soon to try and wake up the inactive users, amongst other things.

You can't master being great without losing...#MoralsRespectLove

Finally got a call from this AV company to work with their team. Should be a bright future ahead. Wish me luck 🤞🏾

Back on the plantation for the night. Hopefully it's an easy shift tonight.

Let's go. This what DO FOR SELF looks like. Respect ✊🏾 @Blkem @BlkemBroadcast

Big things are coming…stay tuned!!

New Era Detroit New Safety App

New Era Detroit New Safety App

Don’t know if this is allowed but I’ll shoot my shot and push out awareness for my YouTube channel with a link
I basically run an art vlog

What thought or expectation do y’all have before you engage in social media?

Got merch for sale for those interested

Has being comfortable in your own skin been an Achilles heel for anyone else when having convos with ppl you're dating? Looking for some advice

Any comedy fans out there? And I mean that go to comedy clubs and stuff. Shoutout where you from and what's the best comedy spot in your city. I've decided I'm gonna go on a tour

Man having a whip sucks sometimes but it's a necessary evil. I might as well be partners with these dealerships the way they hitting me over the head about these parts smh

Peace family. Morals.Respect.Love is the artist name and culture, but you can call me Key. Hailing from Upstate NY, I'm an aspiring artist, producer by passion, engineer by trade, and global entrepreneur in the making, here for dope convos and laughs