Zod Magus


Father Gray Wolf Ninja afrocyberist Fitness

A great pair of earbuds/headphones can really change your life. Songs you've listened to your entire life sound completely different and you hear things in them that you've never heard before.

the blkem apache server is still viewable from the web. Doesn't seem very secure.

"The Power of #GoogleLens for OSINT investigations! With its ability to identify objects, extract text, translate languages, scan barcodes and QR codes, and search for similar images, is a game-changer. #OSINT #Investigation #intelligence #research "

the blkem.com link brings up and unsecured apache page when using http instead of https. Get this info to whomever is in charge. Probably should block port 80 for the time being. Just a suggestion.

Exercise snacks are great for those who want the same benefits as working out for 30 minutes straight but either don't have the time or can't physically move for longer than 2 minutes. Doing 1 to 2 minutes of exercise throughout the day is better than nothing #igiveafit

I wonder when audio posts will be available on the app and not just on the web 🤔🤔🤔

Wireshark: The Basics - I have just completed this room! Check it out: https://tryhackme.com/room... #tryhackme #PCAP Analysis #Forensics #Wireshark #threat Hunting #DFIR #security #blue Team #Incident Response #Networking #wiresharkthebasics viarealtryhackme

Brim - I have just completed this room! Check it out: https://tryhackme.com/room... #tryhackme #Brim #Traffic Analysis #Log Analysis #network Forensics #threat Hunting #PCAP #Brim viarealtryhackme

Day 79 of the #100DaysOfHacking challenge

Protocols and Servers - I have just completed this room! Check it out: https://tryhackme.com/room... #tryhackme #security #http #imap # pop3 #FTP #smtp #Telnet #protocolsandservers viarealtryhackme

Were my fellow Blkem Infosec peeps at? Lets follow each other. #blkeminfosec

History of Malware - I have just completed this room! Check it out: https://tryhackme.com/room... #tryhackme #security #walkthrough #malware #history #learning #historyofmalware via

MAL: Malware Introductory - I have just completed this room! Check it out: https://tryhackme.com/room... #tryhackme # beginner # introductory #peid #ida freeware #windows #pestudio #malware analysis #malware #malmalintroductory via