Ben Thompson


Just here for entertainment

Seems to be more difficult for many, even though their agenda is in our faces, everyday.

We need to stand up and do for self.

Thank you Queen for speaking truth! Much love and respect

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ok ok, this a dope app for us!!! I hope we stick it out here and help them grow!!

#MalcolmX said that all Black people should be trained in #Karate and #Judo to defend ourselves. What measures do you take to defend yourselves and your people. This is not a challenge, I'm just curious what skill sets we have here. For me #boxing and #BrazilianJujitsu #BJJ

Yes it was!

So when I came across this tweet from Chance The Rapper, I instantly thought of Blkem b/c isn’t conversations like this one of the main reasons Blkem was created?? I can’t think of a better platform for the Black diaspora to discuss this on.