Spence Clark


Videographer, Drone Pilot, Marine, bus driver, crypto advisor, and Single Dad

It has been 5 months and we ONLY have 23 active members in the Detroit [SZM] Pilot program. Unfortunately, that's not enough for a full range of testing and gathering of data.

There's a lot more people in Detroit that can benefit from this. Let's be selfless!!

For this to work, we need more hands on deck, in the Detroit area.

Please continue to share this amazing milestone for us!!

@spencesjoy @Xtina


Be safe out there during this Thanksgiving celebration.

Safety first!


Love to see it. Feedback would definitely be great. I went into the completed request and saw a few things was missing on the requestor side.

Got our first cvi request last night… learned a few things of importance, and came up with a few ideas as of very noticeable notification sounds we should implement.

Detroit [SZM] Plan

For the people in Detroit, have you subscribed to the Safezone Mobile [SZM] Pilot program yet?

This Pilot program will run for approximately one (1) year in order to develop data of how we should deploy new and updated safety and security.

Once we zone in on the blueprint, we would be able to deploy this safety and security service in other resource-deprived locations.

#safezonemobile #blackdetroit


Detroit cousins @spencesjoy @NOATruthseeker @Xtina ...saw this on the plantation platform.

"My aunt’s been missing for two days in Detroit, so if anyone is in the city please keep an eye out."

#blkem #blackandmissing #neweradetroit

Detroit [SZM] Pilot

For users who have subscribed to this Detroit Pilot plan, do not forget to update your profile settings information, to include your mobile number and emergency contacts, so that SZM Operators can use that as an alternative means to communicate with you, once a request is submitted.

Thank you!


Power have still not been restored? This is crazy...the structure and grid needs to be improved.

ATP BEING WITHOUT POWER I don’t think we need it anymore. I’m close to knowing how to survive without it now being it going on my 5th day without power now. I’ll get a chair sit in the front yard read a book, and watch the kids play in the water on a hot day, teach them to grow food, and grill on a cool day. Shoot let’s go back to the days of radios and forget about the internet unless we wanna reach out and complain about the other utilities being out. #LiveOffTheGridNow

There should be a tag feature…we may have to improve how it works..see below…

Use the at sign..then start typing

Only followers of this user (Cupofchi) can see their posts

We’re not sure but will get information on this for you

Only followers of this user (Cupofchi) can see their posts

Big things are coming…stay tuned!!


New Era Detroit New Safety App

New Era Detroit New Safety App

Safezone Mobile (SZM)

Our Safezone Mobile [SZM] report for our upcoming Detroit presentation is finally complete.

In collaboration with New Era Nation (NEN), we will be presenting this report in Detroit on Friday August 25th. The Detroit news media will be at this event, to show you how impactful this is going to be.

We will be diving into how SZM will work via Blkem in resource-deprived communities. Funding have been approved for SZM and it will allow us to run this pilot program for approximately 1 year...where Detroit members will have access to FULL NEN response services.

A successful run would mean the expansion of this blueprint to other resource-deprived communities, and more funding.

Additional details to come soon and if our Detroit cousins are available, you're welcome to stop by.

#safezonemobile #neweranation #neweranationxblkem #blkem