It's crazy how I'm constantly gassing everybody else and sleeping on myself.

i couldn’t stop playing that janet song🫣 and mac ayers… iykyk🥴 that man is too soulful

spotify wrapped dropped, what’s y’all’s looking like?👀

spotify wrapped dropped, what’s y’all’s looking like?👀

how can I see the ppl who’s not following me back ? tryna let go of the dead weight

thanksgiving just ain’t the same as it was when i was a kid

sending a prayer to all the people out there who may not have the best family relationship / best environment to be in on a day where the whole world comes together and celebrate

The African Renaissance Monument located in Dakar, Senegal 🇸🇳 one of my favorite structures in existence.

I love pretty/ beautiful/ cute/adorable black women! Y'all really do it for me

I feel like the world has been consistently full of hurt for the last decade+ we are losing too many people that should have grown old 😔. whatever you’re doing. just stay safe please

I can’t wait till I’m able to see who isn’t following me back


Keeping in mind that we're not a monolith, as this space grows, we will have many other people from different backgrounds and different experiences. So I offer this advice with preserve your own mental health, you DO NOT have to respond to everything you see on here. Keep scrolling. Log off. Whatever you need to do. Nothing on here (or anywhere else for that matter) is worth getting your blood pressure / anxiety up over.

manifestation is real. the fact that michael jackson manifested perfecting the entertainment industry is only proof of that, and his brothers called him delusional lol. being delusional only leads to greatness🪄🧚🏾

Believe it or not, Black people are located in the four corners of the earth and some are unable to connect because they lack the resources. Hence the reason why some of us are only now discovering this.

These plantation platforms only understand one thing, and that is "How much money they can make, even with Black creativity". They DO NOT have OUR best interest and the ability to give us a peace of mind.

Blkem (we), walk in the same shoes as our brother's and sister's, so we understand what solutions are necessary and how we can accomplish this!

#B1 #blkem


Good morning, good morning, good morning beautiful people. Hope you are all doing well and hope you are all safe, healthy, and checking up on each other. Remember to check up on yourself 💙

i am getting so much love whew😭😭 the support system on this app goes crazy omg i love y’all🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾

im ready to be married and taken care of. this other sht is ghetto

Family just don’t feel how family use to feel when i was younger.

I need you all to understand something about my profile. There is nothing but love here‼️. We finally have a platform where we can build each other up… so why not utilise that. If we don’t all win after this then who can we really blame?

I know y’all tired of seeing I visited your page lol. I just be making sure I’m following y’all. And double looking at your pic if I think your fine.

ngl when i start living with a man ima need my own separate bedroom, bathroom and sitting room… maybe just two separate houses connected by a bridge idk

I’d like to request adding music to our profiles, a touch of MySpace. lol

this follower following shit get annoying fr, just know if you follow me i’m tryna follow you but dm me if the shit ain’t working