burberry perrie


trust the vibes you get ; energy doesn't lie

hold on. who done pissed off unc

not too much on unc… one thang y’all not finna do is stress him out ‼️

exactly if you were here #Day1 for #TheGreatTwitterMigration then you know how much this app has came along . Then it’s one of the mods talking that bs. @Blkem CALL THEY ASS OUT . WE DESERVE TO KNOW WHO BEING A SPY FOR THE MAN !

Yeah, from when we first got here, a lot has improved, and I can wait for all that right now

There is nothing….and I mean nothing…better than laying your head on a soft pair of titties after a long day

The lord knew what to do

Got therapy then work after 😞🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 really just want to smoke and sleep all day !

My friend & our cousins are repping Team USA for the IWF weightlifting tournament! She is going to dominate next week in Colombia AGAIN.

She earned gold some months ago for USA.

Shayla Moore (55kg)
Cicely Kyle (49kg)

I will be sending a link. Next year I will be back 🏋🏾‍♀️🏋🏾‍♀️

maybe I missed the memo, but what is the difference between blue checks and brown checks @Blkem


We understand that Blkem is not like discord as we are still building a foundation. We thought that some of our cousins would understand this, but it appears not.

Discord is NOT Black-owned. It is owned by Stanislav Vishnevsky. If you're going there because Blkem does not have voice or video chat, that's understandable.

If I discuss some things with moderators and I did not disrespect or spread lies, then the conversation should be between us and not for folks to go on discord and tarnish or undermine Blkem's shortfalls....

someone tell the man upstairs I’m not one of his strongest soldiers

on Jesus sandals and some beef tips

i been wanting some rolls from texas roadhouse for the longest & i’m making it my business to go get some this week 😂

I told y’all keep the Gemini slander to a minimum. We literally live rent free in y’all head & we just be minding our business

Didn't take long for the Gemini hate to start 😂 What's the next least liked zodiac sign? A sagiterroist? #BlkemZodiacs

👀 black… gray…

I can’t see none of them lol. I’m just on the app, chillin. I’ll see the updates when they get here 😅

ohh. issa gray check nah

all that energy i put into other people i need to put into myself

oh noooo 😭😭 @ziggeegold is still a free agent yall! #BlkemBaeDraft

Not all 3 of my picks picking someone else. I’m in urgent care.

Yooo, that's wild

waiting on the #MidSeason Pickups … some of y’all not making it to matching pajamas 🌚

I thought I would never wake up from the itis 😭🤕