I'm always excited to support positive Black spaces. Let's go!

The new season starts Monday, September 21st! Real Talk With A Playlist. Check out previous episodes here. https://archive.org/detail...
#thatsthescenario #BlackRadio #independentradio

Always pray for protection; there’s a lot we can’t see. 🙏🏾🎯💬

Mannn…it’s been a rough few weeks balancing personal life, Blkem, gym time, teaching my newphew to become more discipline, newborn chronicles etc…I have been hearing it for years as well and as soon as something is concrete, you get the 3 C’s…..

@Blkem how you feeling sir? Blessings be upon you. Over the years we done heard a lot of people complain that "Ohhhh we have to build our space so we can...." and nobody did it. Until you. Thank you. To Unc...(and again, we still need more gifs of black people toasting)