Ashli Talley


Philly | πŸ™πŸΎ Seminary Student | ⭐️ HR Professional | πŸ’ƒ Dancer | πŸ“š Bibliophile

I have to grudgingly admit that going into the office isn’t as bad as I thought. Inconvenient, yes unbearable, no.

I really love that my sisters and I use our locations to stalk each other and not for safety reasons πŸ˜‘

Going into the office to sit on video calls with the same people I sit on video calls with at home is…something

80 degrees to 60 degrees in one day is wild. I was laying in my hammock yesterday and now I’m just cold for no reason. What a time to be alive. #GlobalWarming

Rihanna said β€œhere take y’all lil funky concert and let me make drawers and lipstick in peace”

The first person to figure things out like, who figured out the whole process of making coffee or chocolate? Also how?

Let me stop putting off writing this little paper. I hype stuff up in my mind and when I finally do it, it isn’t even bad.

I got back on a dating site…it just isn’t for me. I think I just want to meet someone out in the wild.

Mentally preparing myself to sit in this class for the next 4 hours.

I had such a great outing last night with some other Christian women but whew chile! I thought I was grown staying out late. I’m exhausted!

I’m so tired of being a homebody. This is the year of getting back outside and socializing. I love a new connection. Makes life richer and expands my perspective.

I’m watching The Parent Test and it is so interesting to see how differently people are raising their children. There are super permissive parents, extremely strict ones, and everything in between.

I want a new hobby. Something that allows me to be social. So far, I’m considering taking an improv class and indoor rock climbing but I’m open to other ideas.

Jazz standards are my favorite type of music to work and study to.

Do y’all have mentors? How did you connect/ask them to be your mentor? I need a spiritual mentor, especially as I progress through school but I’m not sure how to go about it.

This was such a stressful weekend but in the middle of crisis I received the answer to a prayer that I’d been posting for over a year.

This is one of my favorite times of year. Reflecting on the past year and planning for the next makes me feel so grateful and fruitful.

I had such a great time in Atlanta over the last few days but I don’t know how y’all deal with that traffic.

The new Avatar movie was pretty good but they could have eliminated at least an hour of it and it would have been ok.

Last Tuesday class of the semester. I’m trying to hang for this last hour but ya girl is TIRED

Voice posts like those on hinge would be very entertaining.

πŸ™ƒ I wonder how half of yall sound when yall speak

I lowkey miss the Houseparty days of lockdown. Imagine how much fun a #blkem chat room would be if you could play uno or spades in it.

I agree. they were so much better.

To me AMBER, The Hobbit movies are better than Lord of the rings