Ashli Talley


Philly | πŸ™πŸΎ Seminary Student | ⭐️ HR Professional | πŸ’ƒ Dancer | πŸ“š Bibliophile

Mentally preparing myself to sit in this class for the next 4 hours.

A final project, a paper, an exam, and a recitation and I’m free for the holidays

I love reflecting and planning during this time of year. It is so easy to feel like I should be further along in life but when I look back on my progress over the past year I can see how much I’ve grown. I got my new planner for next year and I’m ready to go.

I feel like the last 2ish years have really messed up my attention span. Between the pandemic, social media, and shifting to working from home I can’t concentrate on a task for more than a few minutes at a time. I procrastinated before but nothing like this.