anaba zaji atabey


i don’t write, i create worlds. words are my wand. i am a conjurer. i dream through ink. sawubona.

Creation is life. Artistic expression is like breathing. Ideas come quick. I inhale knowledge then exhale what my imagination has divined from the information.

This story is about one possible future.

It’s fascinating to watch humans; me, you, all of us, through imagination, belief, intellect, logic, religion, science, try to convince ourselves that we know the reason why we are here.

You know what, I have shifted my opinion about the wall between America and Mexico. It should go up, quickly. The last thing the poor Mexicans need are American terrorists crossing their borders and turning it into a shithole country, the likes of what we witnessed in Washington DC.
Note reference picture: They are scaling that Capitol wall like roaches.

inside this flesh of blood and bone, i am grounded to this soil that birthed every inch of me.

Feeling life move through me.
Pondering cosmic truths.

[May 2020]