anaba zaji atabey


i don’t write, i create worlds. words are my wand. i am a conjurer. i dream through ink. sawubona.

Creation is life. Artistic expression is like breathing. Ideas come quick. I inhale knowledge then exhale what my imagination has divined from the information.

This story is about one possible future.

It’s fascinating to watch humans; me, you, all of us, through imagination, belief, intellect, logic, religion, science, try to convince ourselves that we know the reason why we are here.

A large shiny truck swiftly drove by me today. I am pretty sure it was Optimus Prime.

The mundane rules our existence, erasing every memory of what it was like to be authentically creative and free.

The greatest travesty is that we celebrate being given PERMISSION to live as a free human being. It is the biggest mind game of our existence. We believe we are celebrating authentic freedom that we, ourselves, wrested from the grip of those who abuse(d) us, when in fact we’ve only been given permission to participate in a degenerate culture. A piece of paper not written or enforced by us gave us permission. We are still not free and ultimately do not require permission on pulp to free ourselves from modernized bondage, both mentally and physically.

sometimes, there is really very litle to say. this existence is about as confounding as it can get. we live an endless string of contradictions and cruelties. the beauty is doled out in tiny drops, not enough to quench thirst. earth may soon put humanity out of its misery.

What if rocks/stones and gems are the remains of an alien species?

Your spirit pushes you toward truth. Eventually, you gravitate away from spaces that are not for you.