Lauren Roach


Avid Reader- Aspiring Author- Knowledgeable about True Crime and very little else- Occasionally funny, mostly sarcastic.

check out the latest episode of my bookish podcast!

check out my new book/storytelling podcast


the type of humor I enjoy

Male bees die after mating.
That's basically their life.
Honey. Nut. Cheerio.

Trying for this much needed promotion. Could use some
positive vibes!

When people say “no offense” and then proceed to say something offensive I be ready to fight. lol because what was the point?

I really be up here talking to myself lol but that’s okay.

The holidays can be full of fun for some and a really tough time for others. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself mentally and emotionally.

being back at work sucks. 😂 Thanksgiving holiday was way too short.

I should be working on my novel, but instead I’m scrolling on social media. oops. 🤦🏽‍♀️

y’all be out here eating spaghetti as a side instead of as a meal?

hot chocolate would be amazing

hot chocolate sound so good right now 🥺