Shane Bell


the great nigration | ima nerd | anime lover

and my two year old just poured drink on my floor… Lord help me!!

my 5 yr old is doing the wildest things to get extra attention.. son.. why did you squeeze toothpaste all over my bathroom floor and wall?

because i had to put her down for 2 seconds… 😭😭😭 now artemis lmaooo

i don’t get cold that easily but the kids? i know they be shaking!!!

like why would you have the kids standing out in the cold while y’all are looking at them through the door in the heat?

my son’s school really works my nerves… it’s so unorganized!! i spoke on the matter and they still don’t see a problem.

i progressed so fast i didn’t even end have time to process what was happening…

she came at 38 weeks and 3 days. i was in active labor for 2 1/2 hours. i delivered her myself all natural..

first, i had baby girl in the back of an ambulance because she was so ready to get here!! lol

i’m due in october! whew... it’s coming up fast! i am terrified!!


People will come into your life and make you believe that the values ​​you have make you inauthentic.
Fear these people!

i didn’t want anymore kids after my daughter because of everything that happened. but here i am about to welcome a third.

i’m 14 weeks now.. can’t believe i’m about have another baby!

i got a mammogram while pregnant. i swear i didn’t know. i was wondering why i was so sick afterwards.

y’all. when i saw that positive test, i cried. cause what you mean positive?

i found out i was pregnant super bowl sunday.. went to the dr and he told me that one of my tubes is still functioning. what you mean?!?! you were supposed to fix that!!

got my results back. they said it’s possibly a benign cyst. y’all just don’t know how relieved i am with just that alone. 😭