Very sickening...and the evidence is the video and those that were around when it happened. These officials DO NOT care unless it's someone who looks like them or unless these issues are at their doorsteps. Imagine going on vacation with your "so-called" friends/family and this is the end result for you...just imagine this happening in your circle of trust, in a foreign country.

im being nosy going through the comments in a Facebook fight and Y’all ever notice that in those social media arguments between women one of them will start saying something about the others kids if she’s getting ate up? What is that tactic? Is it Grasping for straws?

got my first skrippa pole it’s over for you B*tches.😌

Low hanging fruit is easier to pick up.
Stay true to you and never underestimate yourself. 💯

I told this man he reminded me of a playful junkyard dog.

my daughter kept asking me for
‘Ice cream juice’
so I tried to give her some ice cream she didn’t want it. I tried to give her juice she didn’t want that either.

… y’all the girl was asking for a smoothie..

I was just hungry when I said this.
He fed me I’m okay now.

idk man having a boyfriend just does not work for me I think I need atleast 6 of them.

idk man having a boyfriend just does not work for me I think I need atleast 6 of them.


it’s crazy how everyday you all make me realize how much Tw***er irritated me ngl

what’s y’all’s IG or TikTok I need to spice up my feeds please

I wanna be verified like y’all I feel left out 😩

Anybody else wanna get there followers up, comment below.

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so ya girl got laid off last Tuesday 🥲 any company looking for a Risk Investigator with 6+ years experience in fraud investigation / risk & compliance roles? remote or local preferred.

I’m also CSM, CSPO certified and currently studying for my CFE and PCIP my DM’s are open!

bruh 💀

Had a dream Wal-Mart sold cars & I rung one up as a bell pepper at self checkout😩

I just opened Spotify and get a notification that I played Yebbas heartbreak 215 times this year… Spotify is nosy af for what??

y’all don’t be scared to DM , i love talking to everybody . so my dms are always open and i’m down to talk bout whatever . i know some ppl kinda shy so just hmu if you wanna introduce yourself. DONT BE SCARED

did I just find a new place for my selfies to flop??