
phuck Elon. complete mo. 🌈

me watching niggas play ball while my fruity ass turning the rope for the girls:

nah cause what 😂😂😂

I know I didn’t just beat my 🥩 at work 😭😭😭😭😭😭

my grandma: “when you gonna have some babies?”
me: “when you gonna get a man?”
my grandma:

my mom: “I’ll make the dressing!”
my aunt: “I’ll make the greens!”
my dad: “I’ll make a cheesecake!”
my cousin gf Becky: “I’ll make Mac N’ Cheese.”


When I say I am so happy that I can fully type the word WHITE and attach the word TERRORIST and not fear my account being suspended. Ugh.

two things I’m not is:
-boo boo the fool
-one of ya lil friends

Real niggas didn’t bother verifying cause even if it’s Black owned the 6% hotep in my blood stops me from verifying my identity to any AI system.

if you use Queen Helene’s cocoa butter lotion I want to talk to you right quick.