Abigail A .


MSW student, all about equity and black mental health

In response Abigail A . to her Publication

Cranberry sauce. I don't see the point of it existing 🤣

This really how babies look before they swing at you.
They be heavy handed as hell for NO reason

So listen… I have to go to my ex’s family Thanksgiving. Because I’ve been put in charge of my friend’s gender reveal (we dated brothers)… y’all talk about anxiety lmao. Keeping that secret and being around the ex and in one day. Pray for me

Blkem update:

Our new server is up and configured. We will slowly begin migration from old server to new so we don't break the app. Some downtime may occur, but will be during off-peak hours.

Please see the list of updates already completed. Please note that we still have to test these updates, before we upload to app and play store.

#blkemapp #blkem

Believe it or not, Black people are located in the four corners of the earth and some are unable to connect because they lack the resources. Hence the reason why some of us are only now discovering this.

These plantation platforms only understand one thing, and that is "How much money they can make, even with Black creativity". They DO NOT have OUR best interest and the ability to give us a peace of mind.

Blkem (we), walk in the same shoes as our brother's and sister's, so we understand what solutions are necessary and how we can accomplish this!

#B1 #blkem

Most definitely!

I have an assignment due this week that I planned to work on this past weekend. Discovering Blkem on Friday threw everything off 😭


We are in the process of switching servers which will give us the ability to balance the load, thus increasing the speed of the site as well as allowing us to open up registration.

We will be doing this during non-peak hours. Will let you all know when.

Thank you

I’m supposed to be doing my uni work but I’m here 🫠🫠🫠 the motivation is definitely not there today

In response Abigail A . to her Publication

Both and both glitching right now but I prefer the site

Yes, these are blurts. You're blurting, reblurting, and the stories are called dashes 🐻

I think they're called blurts actually. Can someone confirm? Lol

In response Abigail A . to her Publication

this is just my daily reminder that I need to go back😂

In response Gloria Hallelujah to her Publication

yuuuup, idgaf who you are, you finna follow everyone who follows you and partake in the community activities like the rest of us.

🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ I just realised everyone is doing an intro, yet I just jumped on and started talking like you all knew me 🤣🤣🤣🤣 errrm hi i’m Kris, 31, from London, UK. I’m here for laughs and good vibes only ✌🏾

Good morning! My paid vacation starts today, so I’m going to be all up on this app for the next week, uninterrupted, spending time with all of you beautiful people!! I hope everyone has a great day today!

In response Lolita Pink to her Publication

I can’t follow her if she has me blocked lol 😭. This is so funny and sad.

Cousin is this page private or am I blocked by them? Ask them what I do? What I did?

a forever hold on me


Cousin is this page private or am I blocked by them? Ask them what I do? What I did?

In response Abigail A . to her Publication

That’s why I’m confused I show all my cousins love. I’m going to assume their page is private till I get an answer 😭.