Mario Austin


Are you one of those people that mind your business and worry about what you love and enjoy? I’m one of them. I also work smart, not hard.


Over 760 people joined Blkem in the last 10 hours, from the twitter wave...for a total of 9000+

Many folks who are not active have joined Blkem in the last 2 years!

There are probably going to be app bugs which we will address in a timely manner.

#blkem #blkemstrong

PSA: Quoting MLK doesn't further the work he started. That only happens through action. You can start by using your own voice. Be someone worth quoting.

Thanks for sharing!

Happy MLK Day!

I enjoyed creating these portraits of one of our heroes in black history. It’s important to keep in mind that as black people we define our heroes and we don’t let no one else define our heroes for us.Hundred points symbol

#happymlkday #blacklivesmatter #BlackHistoryArt #mlk

Our skin color and class level as a group in society, are some factors to why Black people are the most ill-treated.

When you purchase a BMW or Lambo, you're doing so because of the class level of these items. When you attain a degree, you're doing so because it puts you in a different category. When you fly first class, you are doing so because you leveled up.

In order to level up Black people and be respected as a group, we have to make the necessary moves and attain ownership and economic independence. We have to hold our own.