Mario Austin


Are you one of those people that mind your business and worry about what you love and enjoy? Iā€™m one of them. I also work smart, not hard.

Our skin color and class level as a group in society, are some factors to why Black people are the most ill-treated.

When you purchase a BMW or Lambo, you're doing so because of the class level of these items. When you attain a degree, you're doing so because it puts you in a different category. When you fly first class, you are doing so because you leveled up.

In order to level up Black people and be respected as a group, we have to make the necessary moves and attain ownership and economic independence. We have to hold our own.

**7 slides**

We told you all, we are walking the walk. It may take time but time can be stagnant if we don't make the initial moves.

A sneak peak of the mobile app in development. We're hoping to launch it this month if there are no issues. These are some of the mobile screens. Adjustments still need to be made but hope you like where we're going with it.

Many of you have been waiting for the app so we intend to deliver after testing.

Groups may not come in this version of the app but you can see where we are headed.
