Himmothy Jones


trouble maker.

my phone watching me click on this app for the 50th time today

why my dumb ass thought dat said capri sun 🤦🏽‍♂️

Ouuu okay so I saw y’all were doing this and wanted to chime in✨✨

•Aqua Sun
•Cap Rising
•Scorpio Moon
•Aries Venus
•Scorpio Mars

Astrolgy is just for entertainment purposes, for me at least ☺️

Male bees die after mating.
That's basically their life.
Honey. Nut. Cheerio.

that nigga reeks

Okayyyy.. So I know I might get dragged for this but, I don’t really care for the weekend’s music..

ts had all you niggas on here in a chokehold 💀

Be careful with these apps from disingenuous companies….they don’t have your best interest, especially us Black folks.

Data is gold and any information they can get from you, is gold for them.

kickback for someone coming home after obviously committing a crime in another country is crazy 💀💀

L trade i would’ve got us 3 first round picks and we would’ve kept the arms dealer 🤷🏽‍♂️

BG out. who throwing sum on the grill?🙌🏽

RIGHT! if i was Brittney i would move to russia right after landing on U.S. soil!

LETS GOOOOOOOOO TOOK THEY ASS LONG ENOUGH. if i was brittany i wouldnt fw the US at all after this . it took to damn long .

anyway…the Houston Rockets play basketball today