Chrishun Dorsey


community leader, music lover, pro black

NGL I’m loving the community in here. it feels real authentic even though I don’t know everyone it still feel like good vibes around

honestly just make mines black

I love my brown check no cap fuck the blue one

nah frfr I feel you on this one sis

We as a black people have progressed past the need for chitlins, it’s time for y’all to let them go 🫶🏽

serious question black folks are flats better than drums?

what’s the difference between the brown check and the blue check

what’s the difference between the brown check and the blue check

anyone actively working in they community, and what are you doing to better it?

this is dope right here

We decided that helping our community requires us to look into different avenues of expansion, hence our first NFT. Proceeds will go back into community and platform development.

Sharing is caring..does not take much to share!

Thank you

#blkem #B1