Tristan the Tired Targareyn


Career Coach | Resume Writer | Podcaster | IΦθ | 🏳️‍🌈| 📍Detroit, MI | PSN: tlay27

Hey fam! I got a new feature in Business Insider and I’d love for y’all to check it out!


My therapist is leaving Talkspace 😩

Now who gone gather me about my bullshit?!

Hey y’all! the latest episode of my podcast dropped, I’d like to invite you to listen.

We touch on:
➡️ Is the job market as strong as they say?
➡️ Fake job postings and how companies use them
➡️ Why the advertised 11 million open jobs might be misleading

Links below!

Okay, I gotta go to bed. I have 4 client consultations and a client deadline tomorrow that are standing in the way of my holiday relaxation.

Only one more day of work and then I’m probably going to be on this app non-stop until next Monday.

BRUH. the snow here in Detroit just came out of nowhere.

this snow ain't no joke

What up doe?

I guess I can intro myself:
- 33
- Detroit, MI
- Small Business Owner:
- Career Coach & Resume Writer
- Brother of Iota Phi Theta
- 🏳️‍🌈
- PSN: tlay27
- Love: traveling, puzzles, plants, tacos, and chicken wings fried hard