Omar Edwards


Healthcare IT | InfoSec | Cyber Security | DFIR | OSINT | Adjunct IT Professor | Amateur Photographer

Secure vs. Unsecure sites:
Take a look at your address bar, do you see a lock before the website address? That means the you connection to that site is secure.

Take note that some sites will load with both http (non secure) and https (secure). Remember - if you are logging in, sending a message, or making a payment, you always want to be on a secure site. Some sites will load both ways. Some will automatically switch to https.

If you use Firefox, consider using HTTPS Everywhere

Be very aware of how to protect yourself online

These few steps may seem simple but so many people are still compromised by using poor password practices…

More password tips:
• The minimum is never enough
• Use two factor authentication when available
• Use a password manager – my favorite Myki (not an endorsement)
• Never reuse passwords – new site, new password
• Change passwords regularly
o Number 3 and 4 are where a password manager really helps
• Since most sites use emails as logins, verify you account has never be caught in a breach
o You can check this at (not an endorsement)
o Doing all the right things you are still at the mercy of the site security poster

How safe is your password?

SolarWinds hackers accessed Microsoft source code

Another instance where it could have gone so wrong...

She could have gotten him killed:

When will these callers start being charged?