Lorda Mercy


Just got here - be gentle

Was supposed to #run yesterday instead of today since the temps were forecasted to be much colder. Yesterday ain’t happen so the #runner in me committed to the #exercise anyway. I’m actually not mad about it! πŸ₯Ά

Got my brisket from the butcher. This shit gone cause fights come #thanksgiving ! πŸ˜…

HEY @Blkem not sure what the wallet function is intended for but I'm excited about the use case scenarios and scalability around what it COULD be used for. Would you consider an alternative option to putting CC info in there like Paypal or something?

For those who haven't seen this yet...

There is a public timeline. Everyone on the platform can see every post other members have posted.

No other platform does this, not even twitter. To continue with having a public area, we ask that we all keep it somewhat PG.

If you got the itch, and can't keep it PG, just privatize your profile for your followers only, via the profile settings

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