I Put Clean Dishes In The Dishwasher


“Progress not perfection.” Tech Recruiter (Mid- to Senior Level). 215. Cat Dad.

It’s been a minute. Gotta check the outside before I hit the BLKEM streets.

Me about to make the sun go to sleep at noon so Monday can get here quicker

My moms messy af bro. “Yea… Back in the day, if a man saw something in you, they’d change your life around… Your cousin before she met the general (her husband)? Lawd LAWD she was a real street walker. But than man came and-“

Against my will I’m just…

Me when I can smell the yams come together and I’m looking at the marshmallows on the counter

Bro, my moms just came out and was like, “Welp… You know what Jesus said?” after I told her I didn’t need help on the kitchen.

Me to myself because my first thought was “This nigga took up half the Bible. You gotta be specific…”

Aight, so boom. I read somewhere that Geminis are about to be praise dancing until January. Not sure what that means but can y’all tell me what my chart means? How does this retrograde affect me? How many houses is too many and why do I have neighbors?

Cool thing about this photo… My dumb ass was on a beach at 11a in Puerto Rico… This smirk is when I knew that ”all black everything“ needed to stay a saying and not in my closet 😂😂😂 #photodumps

When you in line at thanksgiving to get your food and everybody moving too slow

You not doing enough if you don’t use bleach when you clean. Bleach inhalation and ashy hands + a clean ass apartment >>>>