Brooke’s not here


⚜️ Twitter Expat| 30 | I don’t believe in Zodiacs| IG:@brooke.alexis ⚜️

🗣️🗣️Alexa play Emotional Rollercoaster by Vivian Green

Why does this girl have the same show playing out loud on her phone and on the TV? Like… what’s the point of that?

Hold the fuck on. Do we need to do a conflict resolution workshop in here or sumn?

Good morning and Happy Monday, fam! Wake up, stretch, brush them teeth, drink ya water, and take ya vitamins! For those that are going back to work after an extended weekend, let’s have a good day and refrain from cussing them folks out! 🖤🖤

in all this chaos I forgot to watch the damn game and we lossssssttttt

I don’t have a speech prepared, this is so sudden. First I would like to thank God, also my mama for my whit and sense of humor and lastly all of you for being at you best and blackest on a daily basis

some of y’all talking bout followers … but need to double check and make sure you following back too

Good morning beautiful people! Have y’all had breakfast, drank some water, had your vitamins and all that?

Me & my wallet:

These ”50% off everything+ 20% of your entire order” sales: