Jeannine McQueen


👛 Your favorite handbag designer. ✊🏽 Black owned. 🌴 South Florida

Sorry y'all. I tried.
For almost 10 years I've tried everything to keep my business open but the support just isn't there. The clientele isn't there. I gotta shut it down.
Thank you to those who did truly believe in me and supported me.

So I gotta shut down my brand y'all. The clutches and the card cases are 40% off. Everything must go.

Oh snap!!! I know I'm late y'all but the audio rooms work now!?!? 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

Up and at em early.
Top of the morning y'all.
Mid week madness but let's get to it.

I feel like I need a blkem tutorial. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I'm not on here enough like I should be. 😭 But I also think it's because this is my business page rather than a personal page.

If you haven't checked out the spring collection I don't know what to tell you.
Your missing out.
Hit that link in the bio and get yourself something before it's too late.
✊🏽🖤🩴 #arthurmcqueen #yourfavoritehandbagdesigner #spring2023collection #ithitdifferentwhenitsblackowned

Did I mention the slides are available in black also?
Well they are. 🙌🏽
Arthur McQueen's Spring 2023 Floral Collection!!
Which color are you going to order?
#arthurmcqueen #yourfavoritehandbagdesigner #ithitdifferentwhenitsblackowned #redirectthedollar

I can't explain just how comfortable these slides are. Not only that but they're super cute and from the new Spring Floral Collection. Order yours by tapping the link in the bio.
✊🏽🖤👛 #arthurmcqueen #yourfavoritehandbagdesigner #spring2023collection #redirectthedollar

Luxury is our birthright and vacations are essential. Get your swimwear from Arthur McQueen's Spring 2023 Floral Collection and pack your bags. Don't forget your passport! #arthurmcqueen #yourfavoritehandbagdesigner #ithitdifferentwhenitsblackowned #spring2023collection

aayyee genuine question.
anybody wanna take a look at my website and give me any feedback? what am I missing? what do i need to get rid of? anything...? but only from ppl that know the difference between constructive criticism and straight disrespect. plz & thx.

Definitely appreciate all the reblurts. That's what they're called right? Lawd help me. lol

Bare with me y'all. I'm still learning this 🔥🔥🔥 app.

I know it's still cold where you are.
Got some hoodies available for you, so hit the link and grab yours so you can warm up a bit.
✊🏽🖤👛 #arthurmcqueen #yourfavoritehandbagdesigner #TellaFriend #shoparthurmcqueen #ithitdifferentwhenitsblackowned