Mark Brooks


father, author, worker, activist

I live in a country that would rather build foldable, bullet proof safe rooms in classrooms than make more strict gun laws. Africa, take me and my kids.

All I'm saying is you won't find 1, let alone 4 black people drowning in a submarine put together with Elmer's Glue and tin foil. Let alone paying a quarter mil for it.

Miami gotta figure out what they're gonna do with Jokic. Smh

The colonizers are soo mad about Iowa losing they're doin back flips trying to explain why this isn't the same.

Just watched Chris Rock's special. It was typical Rock. There were some funny parts. But he will always be the kind of guy that will be ok with his white friends saying nigger in front of him. "Don't fight in front of white people is a motto he should have grown out of by now.

What I can't understand is entertainers who sell sex (with an only fans or fake sex tape leak) and also want to be taken seriously as an artist. Nobody is gonna choose to hear you sing when they can se you butt naked for cheaper. You have to choose a revenue stream.

This type of black dude should be barred from this app. He's the worst type of Sambo.

If I could tell my younger self anything, I would tell him that when you dat a woman you aren't dating them at their best. You're dating their worst self. is she violent when she's angry, is she verbally abusive. Is she vindictive? That's who you'll have to deal with the most.

What an amaxing game. Soo glad he's proving all the naysayers wrong. #beardown #justinfields

I want younger black people to remember this life changing feeling. Not to long ago, people were applauded for the mindset of "I don't fight, I shoot." This is the result of that. A talented life taken over a #dicegame . Let's do better because they ain't changing gun laws for us.