Devarian Menyweather


🐙..find beauty in the chaos..🐙 Cinematographer, Photographer

Happy New Year🥳
though I feel like the year doesn’t really start until it gets warm again 🤔

Don’t allow someone to tell you to “be realistic” abt your goals because there is actually nothing realistic about life in general

I'm still processing the fact UK taxpayers were paying reparations to Slave owners/family (not Slave decedents) until the year 2015! Yall!! #HarryandMeghan #HarryandMeghanonNetflix

Happy Turkey Day 🦃 I give thanks for my life and the possibilities of the future 🙏🏿

Look at all you lucky MFs waking up Black and beautiful. Get yall blessed perfect asses up and get after your goals!

Believe it or not, Black people are located in the four corners of the earth and some are unable to connect because they lack the resources. Hence the reason why some of us are only now discovering this.

These plantation platforms only understand one thing, and that is "How much money they can make, even with Black creativity". They DO NOT have OUR best interest and the ability to give us a peace of mind.

Blkem (we), walk in the same shoes as our brother's and sister's, so we understand what solutions are necessary and how we can accomplish this!

#B1 #blkem

Had a great time filming some very amazing women the other day, round 2 today #LetsGetIt #Filming #NoLa

Accidentally unfollowed some people because the app said I wasn't following them yet 🙃 hopefully I followed everyone back.

I want this platform and others like Fanbase , Miirya to thrive so that we can take back our attention as money from them and keep it within our collective communities 🙏🏿

Good Morning Kings and Queens!
Happy Mental Health Check Monday!
make sure you drink your water, meditate/pray/journal, exercise, do any form of self care you need to get a good start to the week! You are a bright light!

remember it’s ok to ask for help as well!

The fact that black millionaires aren't investing in this app don't sit right with me 😖