Kyra Tee


DMV. Teacher 🍎 I’m here cause I heard this where black twitter is.


Carry this with you in 2023.
•Do the things you love more often.
•Let go of people or situations that drain you.
•Sometimes you need to get uncomfortable to get comfortable.
•Wherever your attention goes, your energy flows.
•If you change your mindset, you will change your life.

Took my birthday pics today… here’s some BTS. Chapter 26 coming real soon. 🥳

I turn 26 in 25 days. 4 years from 30. No husband. No kids. Not rich. Omg. I just manifested being the fine auntie. Not even the rich fine auntie. How do I unmanifest?? 🤣

I just laid down and forgot my bonnet. do I get back up and get it? 😩

I just laid down and forgot my bonnet. do I get back up and get it? 😩

yeah… I’m bout just follow folks! lol it’s a safe place right?

be forreal 😒

Wait everyone can see this? Chitlins are good!


we gotta gatekeep this platform. this for us and us only

I need some new friendsssss. bout to follow some people.

hey beautiful black folk 💙

hey y’all… well I’m talking to myself cause I have no followers but when I get some. hey y’all 🤣