Brandon Lewis


Realtor - Dad - Sports


Please know that in order to keep a target off our backs from “the powers to be”, we have to keep it clean. Any hate speech, discrimination, extremist ideologies etc leaves room to be scrutinized, targeted and eventually being shut down like what happens to a lot of Black Owned entities.

If we want Blkem to grow into a powerhouse, we have to navigate carefully so that we can build and once we have the ability to control or influence essential elements for US, no one can tell us how we should run our community.

Thank you


One lesson that truly hit home for me: Time is all we get, what we waste and what we’ll miss most when it’s gone. Be wiser and grateful for time, yours and others.

I need them to make a This Christmas 2 movie. Great cast and I think the follow up story would have lots of options. #christmasmovies