B.S. Sociology. Songwriter. Recording Artist. Lesbian. Texas.

Good morning cousins,

We know some of y'all are working today. We have you in our prayers.


the flight attendants putting on a show mid-flight

can we get a black owned airline in USA? I would just rather

everyday I find another day to be grateful for having been born black

I’m cryiinnnngggg

I’m out here trying to finish these first 18 credit hours of grad school so I can be a college professor. But it’s a rough road….I’m gonna make it tho!

damn iono I wasn’t thinking this hard when I made it as a kid

nah how yall mix yall kool-aid
1) water sugar kool-aid
2) water kool-aid sugar
3) sugar kool-aid water
4) sugar water kool-aid
5) kool-aid water sugar
6) kool-aid sugar water


Honestly, I feel like THE people are gonna feel how they’re gonna feel And rumors are gonna fly. They don’t get it, they’re not supposed to. The ones that are here and on the way in the doors know what time it is. We support you @blkem , and that’s on that.

i regret nothing

Not even bugs but specifically ROACHES 😂😂😂and had the nerve to be telling them to fix it

I told yalllllllll!!! lol the original users HAD to be looking at us and our demands like

So wayment!! The only reason the app was glitchy is because we were signing up yesterday and the reason its actually working rn is bc they paused new users? BABY WE WAS THE ROACHES


The energy in here is CONTAGIOUS!! I swear I love y’all. 🤎 🤎

NOW DON’T YALL GET ON HERE GIVING BLKEM SASS BEING IMPATIENT! The admins have been very active we gonna have to let this thang grow and work through some kinks! but it’s ours! So don’t!

if I see my ex on here imma have to talk to the Admin bout that cus why you let a WHORE in here!?