Fetch All Subscriptions

Please use this (https://blkem.com/mobile_api/subscriptions) API to get all subscriptions

Get parameters

Field Value Remarks
session_id ​Access token ID E.g. de25cc16eb00960f076...
latitude User's latitude
longitude User's longitude

Success response

    "code": 200,
    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Safe Zone Mobile (SZM)",
            "identifier": "safezone-mobile",
            "short_desc": "Safe Zone is a New Era World initiative to get local businesses involved in becoming safe havens for people in danger",
            "long_desc": "Safe Zone is a New Era World initiative to get local businesses involved in becoming safe havens for people in danger. As we see a spike in human trafficking and child abductions we are asking for the help of local business leaders to get involved in helping us keep our streets safe. With Safe Zones , businesses will be marked with our safe zone window decals letting the community know that their business is a place of safety. This will be a place where residents can call for additional help in times of danger and stay safe until the proper authorities arrive. We are looking to get business owners involved that are near schools and bus stops or who own gas stations and liquor stores in particular.",
            "thumbnail": "https://blkem.s3.amazonaws.com/https://blkem.s3.amazonaws.com/https://blkem.s3.amazonaws.com/https://blkem.s3.amazonaws.com/upload/images/2022/09/2eV45yqLKYR4wMdkJ2Oj_17_f4e3da77716d96bef1f7e1c0a011ebeb_image_thumbnail.png",
            "banner": null,
            "active": 1,
            "plans": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": "Black",
                    "alias": null,
                    "frequency": "monthly",
                    "price": 0,
                    "sub_title": "Free trial for 7 days",
                    "disclaimer": "By selecting this free trial membership, you will have access for \"7\" days. Your account will automatically upgrade to monthly membership unless you cancel before hand.",
                    "paypal_plan_id": null,
                    "active": 1
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Blkem Blac",
            "identifier": null,
            "short_desc": "Get more out of Blkem. These features are exclusive when you",
            "long_desc": "Get more out of Blkem. These features are exclusive when you subscribe and are not limited to: \r\n\r\nEdit post; Nudge someone; Ads on public timeline; Boost post monthly; Save draft; Create posts into thread; Background video play; Pin post to timeline; Invisible profile browsing",
            "thumbnail": "",
            "banner": null,
            "active": 1,
            "plans": []
            "id": 3,
            "name": "Blkem Business",
            "identifier": "blkem-business",
            "short_desc": "This selection is a best fit for verified businesses that will acquire more reach, less algorithm interference, more tools to acquire more reach, access to “The Hall” (All users on the platform).",
            "long_desc": "Once you subscribe and your business verified, your account will \r\nacquire more reach, less algorithm interference, and more tools. \r\nAccess to the public timeline “The Hall” along with some Blkem \r\nBlac premium features.",
            "thumbnail": "",
            "banner": null,
            "active": 1,
            "plans": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "120 yearly",
                    "alias": "10/month",
                    "frequency": "monthly",
                    "price": 120,
                    "sub_title": "tet",
                    "disclaimer": null,
                    "paypal_plan_id": "P-66927615SF430463XMP4UCUA",
                    "active": 1

Error responses

        "code": 401,
        "data": [],
        "message": "Unauthorized Access"
        "message": "No subscriptions found",
        "code": 204,
        "data": []