A Aaron Burns Bey


Software Engineer/ Full - Stack Web Developer The Revolution Will Be Computerized

"Walking on eggshells

is the term most commonly used

when we are trained by abusive people

to be careful of who we are

when we are around them

for fear of their reactions,

fear of them getting angry with us

or fear of abandonment

we begin to shut down

and hide our real selves" #quote

the U.S. turning a blind eye to Israel's atrocities is criminal

"Dismantle this godforsaken nation

and build a new world

that is the only way." #quotes

"palestinians are reminding us that decolonization is not abstract.

it is material

it is violent

it is not popular

it will be resisted and debated by the entire structures

of the monstrous colonial world

and it is the only way forward,

and it is the only path of life." #quotes

decolonization is a violent act

don't let academics, politicians & grifters tell you otherwise.

violence is necessary for liberation.


"every single israeli is a war criminal of some kind"

Norman Finkelstein

inculcate: to fix beliefs or ideas in someone's mind, especially by repeating them often #definition

no amount of clever words

are going to convince white people

to stop oppressing us

"We didn't arrive here by chance. This crisis isn't fate.

We arrived at this crisis because influential white people with military support are deciding for everyone,

who will have access to the world's resources and who will not." #quotes

"I support oppressed people doing whatever they have to do to liberate themselves from the barbaric cruelty of white domination." #quotes

"the state doesn't listen

it's a dictatorship that's oppressing the people

more and more" #quotes

some of us have lost the ability

to recognize a hostile act

when we see it

"It's dangerous to always want to see the 'good' in the person abusing you" #quotes

"There's no (African/Black) unity without mutual respect"


"How long are you going to let others

determine the future for your children?

are we not warriors?

when our Ancestors went into battle

they did not know what the consequences were going to be

all they knew is if they did nothing

things would not go well for their children" #quote

Winona Laduke, Indigenous activist

the crimes of colonization must not be allowed to go unpunished

Israel has no right to exist.

How are you gonna steal people's land

and then demand that the whole world recognize your "right to exist"

when those people try to get their land back?


colonized people are systematically brainwashed

to believe colonizers have legitimate authority

mass murderers who identify as states

have people so captivated by their insincere words

people are forgetting that mass murderers must be stopped

not reasoned with

I feel like I'm being forced to watch a zionist controlled purge of the palestinian people

I am in brooklyn and people, coworkers giving appreciation for blkem and the followers that is supporting the communities. With the grace of God where ever we are located we will continue to support and uplift


In response C.R. S.H. to her Publication

How in the hell...LOL...there's still some issues we are working on right now. Thank you!!!