I don't know if I had a lot of work this week and am stressed because it was the first week back from holiday, or if I had a little bit of work and was stressed because I got so lazy over holiday. 🤔

Man! Could we restart this holiday season? Can't believe regular work starts in a few hours again.

I am officially in love with shiitake tacos. Thin sliced with garlic, cilantro, spinach, and spring onions with lettuce and tomatoes. Top notch.

Love the idea of anything being done about literacy in the inner cities. Would be nice if they were hotspots where kids and adults could get wifi and access to ebooks and educational videos and mp3s.

Warriors star Stephen Curry and entrepreneur wife Ayesha unveil first of 150 Little Town Libraries in Oakland | abc7news.com

Happy New Year. No alcohol till I finish playing Uber to the teens. So yea! 😮‍💨

Happy New Years and safe celebrations to one and all

[email protected] posted Jet Magazine's top albums of 1988 on his Twitter feed. I think I owned 15 of these 20 in tape form.

Back in the before times we used long strips of plastic with iron oxide (rust) to... Never mind. Before MP3 and streaming.

Why does YouTube have the 1996 movie "The Craft" listed as a comedy? I mean the only thing funny about The Craft on YouTube is that it is in 4k.

Good movie though for my Gen X brothers and sisters. But 4K, really? Talk about foresight.

Love diversity in the tech sector.


Tech Predictions for 2022 Results! – DTNS 4425

Tech Predictions for 2022 Results! – DTNS 4425

on the topic new years resolutions,

I am not ancient, but I'm not a spring chicken either. In my personal experience I suck a resolutions. It's best to find someone who does what you want and join them. The motivation helps keep you interested.

My 2023 Mood

- Don't expect this to be my year. Just do as much my way as possible.

- Never expect the pain to go away. Just get stronger so you can carry it longer distances.

- Improve something every month. Not lie about starting something new every year.

- Sit-ups are your friend. Stop acting like they are bill collectors.

- Smile and drink water.

That should be a good start.

Mothers have a strange and evil magic. I'm in my 40s but whenever I take my mom shopping I feel like I'm twelve again.

Hello everyone. haven't tried out a new social network in a while. Still mad Google+ died. Hope this works out.

Blerds unite