Haven't heard from folks in a minute...how's everyone doing out there?

I know times are crazy at this moment but I do hope that you're having a Beautiful Black Day!


we highly recommend reading this book when searching for what ways you can get involved in helping your people. UNIA owned restaurants, grocery stores, produced plays, etc. Black Star Line shipping was just another puzzle peice to liberation. UNIA was well ahead of its time. a black owned and operated conglomerate.

Biden is trying to diversify our unification.

When you mix other ingredients into an already potent ingredient, then that potency dissipates causing a weaken state.

Our strength lies in unifying for the same cause. Our compelling cause is grounds to be challenged by white supremacy and followers of them.

The hispanic agenda does not fall in-line with ours because if it did, immigration would not only be a hot topic, but Black specifics would be as well.

Don't fall for these trick bags word play!!!! Our IQ is a lot sharper!

best thing about a black owned and operated platform is that in times where my city is being plotted on by racists and the rumblings of it being an inside job are circling there is one place to trust to talk safely about planning. ??

**7 slides**

We told you all, we are walking the walk. It may take time but time can be stagnant if we don't make the initial moves.

A sneak peak of the mobile app in development. We're hoping to launch it this month if there are no issues. These are some of the mobile screens. Adjustments still need to be made but hope you like where we're going with it.

Many of you have been waiting for the app so we intend to deliver after testing.

Groups may not come in this version of the app but you can see where we are headed.


Wishing you all a Happy New Year.

Thank you for joining the Black Empowerment Network.

As we move further, the fight for Black Empowerment is ever so important. We have a lot of elements rooting against us. It will take ALL of us, to change the narrative by doing for self so that we can change our disproportionate conditions.

#blkem2021 #happynewyear

The New Era Nation is all about accountability and organizing within under-resourced communities. The Blackprint has been written and its up to us to engage our peoples. All we got is us... #blackpower #Community #neweranation

Feels real good to be verified on a black owned platform dedicated to Black Empowement! ?? #neweranation we got a lot cooking for 2021 too. Lets Build!!

Feels good to see a movement that's FOR the people. Selflessness before Selfishness. Let's do it! ??

Feels real good to be verified on a black owned platform dedicated to Black Empowement! ?? #neweranation we got a lot cooking for 2021 too. Lets Build!!

Even as the archer loves the arrow that flies, so too he loves the bow that remains constant in his hands. — Nigerian proverb

In response Oluwatobi Bello to his Publication

Adding multiple photos for this post isn't working so here's the second part

In some instances, THEIR game is the only game worth playing.
I'm not talking about boot licking, pandering or even giving up.
I'm talking about FREE ENTERPRISE, something that we as a people have paid only lip service to for generations, fooling ourselves into thinking we are doing something worth talking about.

The Black business community is, for the most par, a big joke that should be removed from the "I have a dream " category to the "Pipe dream" file.

ONLY when there are one hundred times more VIABLE Black businesses playing the gam

Caribbean Blacks who are living in the United States, we have to get away from being solely self-interested and resentful to African Americans not grasping towards the opportunitues we are utilizing.

There's a reason why we have more access to all these opportunities and African Americans, access to little.

There's a difference in treatment of Caribbean Blacks and African Americans. At the end of the day, White Supremacy lumps us all in the same category of oppressed people.

So choose your fight, wisely. Research and understand.


Your vibe attracts your tribe.
Thats why platforms like this are so crucial as your naturally going to network/interact with people on a similar wavelength to you.

Shoutout to those behind the creation of this platform, may it continue to grow and prosper à??.

#blkem #Community #growth #blackempowerement #blackpower #riseup

It's time to ask WHY the "WOKE" amongst US are leading the surge to popularize THEIR CLUBHOUSE instead if helping build OUR HOUSE?

I think in 2021, this platform is really gonna catch on. #blkem

We as Black people have only been slapping at White Supremacy ever since we got civil rights. Not to take away anything from anybody who has fought for the freedoms I have today, my appreciation is a understatement, because back then I would have been on a soap box on a street corner, where the enemy would have heard my rhetoric and possibly plotted on me. But today I come to you humbly and with much RESPECT.

To Say Now is Our time, past due in fact for for us to close our hand into the Mighty Fist we really are as a race because we are truly in last place in the world except in the prison system/justice in USA which is the new Jim Crow. We should really unite to get Silver, Gold, Green(Land) Rights that is in debit to us and the many other looted rights in not only In the USA but at home too in Africa.

In response Anthony Foster to his Publication

FACTS....and its a shame they playing and losing

The closer you get to the enemy the more familiar they look. We have a habit of creating GODs and Vices to serve that only serve themselves why is it so hard for us to become the Saviors we so desperately seek from others. #Some seas are full of water yet empty of life

I, by no means, consider myself a writer. However, I've been writing more. Either I'm journaling, advising future leaders, being interviewed, or jotting thoughts based on my experiences and observations. I just started posting articles on Medium. If you are a Medium user, follow my page. If you are not, subscribe to my articles for emails when I write. You can see my stories at: https://evinlamar.medium.c... If you read something that sparks thought, feel free to share. Thank you for your support in advance.