Tomedian Whitmore


Opportunity Engineering Specialist/Resource Management Strategist

Time is neutral whether it's on your side or not is always your decision. Create a future for yourself before someone else does it for you.

2023 Power over Money! Get you some Money to get you some Power. Get you some Power to get you some Peace.

The world preaches inclusion but all those in power practice Exclusion. Don't let them trick you into watering down your culture. Stand by your people because they gone stand by theirs.

The world preaches inclusion but all those in power practice Exclusion. Don't let them trick you into watering down your culture. Stand by your people because they gone stand by theirs.

Most people are in the past or the future but Who is willing to do the work now.

Please understand that the strategies use against us were not single use strategies.

Master yourself and once you do teach/show other how to do the same.

The CREATOR did not give you a life for you to pick someone else to tell you how to live it. #stop giving your POWER away.

Be cautious of people who give you something only to have something to take away from you.

As long as we keep thinking words are the answer we will not have the answers.

If we blend in and become accepted all the things the CREATOR put in us that make us EXCEPTIONAL would be in vain. We are not here to receive a participation celebration. We were crafted for greatness no matter the conditions.

In a world ran on power and energy being United is far greater than being correct. Back your people whether they are right or wrong discipline them in private.

They will allow you to THINK you are one of them until you start BELIEVING that you are one of them. Saltwater passes as regular until you drink it.

Please know that there are people who see Black people publicly disagreeing as an opportunity to recruit them that can further their agenda #history don't repeat itself people do!

Your opinion should only be used to describe how you feel not weaponized to tell others how to feel. Some people only ask your opinion just to devalue someone else's opinion not because they value yours.

Didn't know permission slips were a life requirement We have to be unapologetic in ways that align with the Truth

We have laugh and joked about the things that hurt us so much in public that all the world wants to do now is laugh with and at us. # what are we willing to keep for ourselves?

Focus on your HEALTH, PEACE, FAMILY AND DEFENSE of all you value and love. Outsiders are becoming rich from selling you small doses of the very things you have the most control over.

We complain about what they taught us but we still practice and believe what they taught us. Change is Change.

Understand the POWER of PROJECTION the clouds project an image of the storm that's to come. We must be the projection of the FUTURE that is to come for our people.

Show love to your people often and publicly so outsider have to calculate the hell you are willing to raise behind them.

Crazy thing about Life is that if this culture we have is failing us we can as always rebuild another one that serves us. Traditions don't have an Age they have a Reputation.

How mind-blowing is it that US as a people of a difficult past will let something as simple as a different Opinion separate us from our family and peers. Businesses don't crumble at a board meeting when they don't agree. Arguments should be a solution finding tool. That's It

I AM will always conquer a YOU ARE in the life of a SELF AWARE INDIVIDUAL.