Evin Lamar | The Lawyer


Lawyer by day. photographer on the weekends. No onlyfans but you can follow on here.

"I no longer believe in the concept of self-discipline (or motivation for that matter — but that’s a different conversation)."

Read my latest article: "I've Stopped Believing Self Discipline Exists"


I recently published an article on Medium discussing the legal profession's continued failure at diversity and inclusion. If you have 4 minutes, please take a moment to read, comment, highlight, and share with your networks.


Thank you!

Read my most recent story

“You’re afraid of success. Because you’re always looking for failure.”

Comment with your thoughts. Highlight anything that sticks out to you. Share the article on your news feeds to engage with others.


I, by no means, consider myself a writer. However, I've been writing more. Either I'm journaling, advising future leaders, being interviewed, or jotting thoughts based on my experiences and observations. I just started posting articles on Medium. If you are a Medium user, follow my page. If you are not, subscribe to my articles for emails when I write. You can see my stories at: https://evinlamar.medium.c... If you read something that sparks thought, feel free to share. Thank you for your support in advance.

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