I want this girl cabbage recipe but we not friends no more??

happy birth anniversary to an extraordinary Black man, Malcolm X otherwise known as el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz! ???????

colonized people are systematically brainwashed

to believe colonizers have legitimate authority

The key is be more Effective than Affective. # Words have power

colonizers corrupt everyone and everything

under their toxic influence

Ok, I lied and kinda deactivated blkem to focus on uni for a month... ?? But today was my last time in class. EVER ???

Might deactivate uni to concentrate on blkem

colonizers will re-write history

to deceive future generations

about their true character

by hiding their atrocities

In response Haydi Lazzzzzz to her Publication

bc they have a death wish , stuck in the matrix, & some just want sympthy?

Saturday 24 April the New Era Nation kicks off their 7th annual Hood 2 Hood season. For more information connect with the Movement at neweraworld.work ?????

Learning and mastering detachment is dangerous for the people that think they're entitled to you. It's easy to let shit go now. "Oh you wildin and disturbin my peace?"

Stop Asian hate.

Stop Asian Hate....
Why do you mean by that?
Let me be clear with you...
First of all, that movement sounds crazy..
It gets a lot of attention..

Stop Asian hate..
What do you mean by that?
How about this?
Stop African hate..
Stop moor hate...
Stop Hebrew Israelites hate
Stop aboriginals hate
Stop melaninated people hate...

I forgot we don’t get love...
We don’t get love in America
Don’t tell me about Black Lives Matter
They don’t give a fuck about us...

If you tell me
Stop Asian hate,
I say stop hatin on
Your mothers and fathers
Who gave

There's just something about people, more specifically other black people, that try to bring black women down based on their physical traits that really grinds my gears! I came across this post a couple of mins ago and there are so many comments that are referring to Meg as a man. I'm so flipping tired (trying to cut back on cussing due to Ramadan ?) of the disrespect that unambiguous black women face on a daily basis. I literally have zero tolerance for it, the worst thing you can be is black and colorist and that's literally what this ignorance comes from, pure colorism!!! Part 2 coming up.

i been gone for a lil while... i woulsnt wish food poisoning on nobody this shit killin me ????

The line outside of Gucci is not only breaching covid protocols but the ancestors are dissappointed smh. Garvey for sho. Black people need to start organizing to become recession proof, pandomonium proof. No worries im already on it because ive been blessed with forward thinking and a loud ancestral voice with a Jamaican accent always guiding me. $1400 once in a blue moon not getting us off the bottom of the economic ladder. that aint closing the wealth gap. thats not building new jobs or ownership opportunities. Yall deserve $1400 a week accumatively

?????? We told you all we are bringing actual tangibles that can be utilized and build the Black Community. Sociability with Actionability!! A platform that is FOR the community. Tell your friends and family!

#blkem #WeAllWeGot

Black Empowerment of the day word of the day...Gamechanger. ?? Blkem x New Era Nation got one. i am excited.

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Hmmmmmmm...the news posted this article..so we're just reposting it..nothing to see here. Just a vaccine that's becoming problematic.

#blkem #dotheresearch

The CDC & Food & Drug Administration has called for the termination of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine due to "six recipients in the United States developing a rare disorder involving blood clots within about two weeks of vaccination."

This is as of April 13, 2021 (today).