Aumeyerie Bey


? Traveling Mentor. Reiki Master. Expansion and self love. Astrologer. Ascension??. Alchemist?. Manifesting?

This is what becoming non-dependent means..utilizing our own resources!

Tonight! we talking live about home ownership and community wealth building...

It's time to start building #B1 engagement groups etc, geared at breaking the racist censorship pn these other platforms, & as a funneling mechanism to bring our people here; because cutting the umbilical cord of supremacy is a process?????

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We were successful in seeing many of our early users, even those from May, June and July, return. Some even apologized for being away and not engaging as they should. Since inception, we constantly stated that we are not asking you to leave non-black platforms. We are simply asking to engage in Black owned, as well.

We do not expect any of you to be engaging on Blkem 24/7 and our goal is not to dictate your use of social media platforms.

We appreciate all of you, deeply. Your continued support, is why we are still here.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year.

Thank you for joining the Black Empowerment Network.

As we move further, the fight for Black Empowerment is ever so important. We have a lot of elements rooting against us. It will take ALL of us, to change the narrative by doing for self so that we can change our disproportionate conditions.

#blkem2021 #happynewyear